Mai i Te Kore ki Te Puumanawa is an indigenous weaponry art initiative under the korowai (cloak) of Te Whare Tuu Tauaa o Aotearoa (The Indigenous Inter-National School of Maaori Weaponry-NZ).
Mai i Te Kore ki Te Puumanawa, acknowledges and pays homage to the Wurrundjeri, Woi Wurrung, Bunnerong Iwi Taketake in the Kulin nation, here in Naarm (Melbourne) and to honour the spirits of their ancestors from past, present and emerging.
A nation who have nurtured this land for thousands and thousands of years, always was and always will be!
In 2022 this initiative under the guidance of Tat Mahuru-Stanley, (Tohunga Kairangi, Taura Pouwhakarae), not only teaches the movement and the art of combat in the use of huakau and Taiaha, but also a journey into developing many different aspects and understanding of Te Ao Maaori including Te Ao oo Hinekeira.
Mai i Te Kore ki Te Puumanawa, "From within the nothingness there is potential, benevolence of the heart" the connection to:
Tiaki te kaupapa o Te Whare Tuu Taua o Aotearoa.
Connect and collaborate with First Nation, Iwi Taketake to honour and respect their rich cultural heritage, wisdom, and traditions.
Restore identity and self-worth to the individual by empowering them with the knowledge about themselves and their Maaori history.
Enhance self-confidence in the individual by the strong demands of the kaupapa and, of course, which has a rigid etiquette of personal courtesy.
Develop humility and self-restraint by the highest standards of discipline and behaviour required in the use of the Taiaha as a weapon.
Promote fluency in Te Reo Maaori and Tikanga.
Learning the physical and spiritual elements behind each movement and action.
Connecting into whanau genealogy.
Learning the art of Mau Raakau, Takutaku, Karakia, Te Reo, Karanga, Whaikoorero, Maiohaa the journey is endless...
Mai i Te Kore ki Te Puumanawa
"From within the nothingness there is potential, benevolence of the heart"
Always was, and always will be...