Te Tohunga Kairangi
​Taura Pouwhakarae​
​Tania Stanley is the main
Taura Pouwhakarae for Mai i Te Kore ki Te Puumanawa' and overseer for the NAARM (Melbourne) region.
Her many years and vast experience within Te Whare Tuu Tauaa O Aotearoa and The Ancient Art of Maaori Weaponry, points us in the direction we need to head, making sure that we follow the correct path and procedures and making sure that we are looking after our schools values.
Tania is also the very first waahine to adorn the Taura Pouwhakarae tiipare.
Te Tohunga Ahikaa
​Taura Pouwhakarae​
​Johnny is the Taura Pouwhakarae of
Te Ara Hononga (Melbourne).
Johnny, also known as 'Papa Jah' currently resides in his homeland of Ngaati Kahungunu, however, he has a strong contingent in Te Ara Hononga that supports him in every way.