Jingaree (greetings) noo te rohe MEANJIN (Piripane)
Ko Tainui te waka
Ko Hoturoa te Kaihoutu o runga
Ko Rakataura te Tohunga
Ko Taupiri te Maunga
Ko Waikato te iwi
Ko Waikato te awa, he piko he taniwha, he piko he taniwha, taniwharau
I te taha o tooku paapaa, he uri ahau noo te Marae o Waiti, Ngaati Paoa te hapu, ko Paoa te Whare Tuupuna
I te taha o tooku maamaa, he uri ahau noo te Marae o Waikeri, Ngaati Reko te hapu, Reko me Ona Rito te Whare Tuupuna
Ko John Nahu raaua ko Paretapu Roberts ooku Maatua
Ko Pepe Nahu-Roberts tooku ingoa
He Taura Pouwhakarae ahau i roto i Te Whare Tuu Tauaa O Aotearoa.
I eke au ki te taumata Pouwaru i te tau 2010 i te taha o ngaa Taura Pouwhakarae e whai ake nei:
Ko Ross Smith, Kipa Munro, Tony Brooking, Bo Mcgee, Wallie Heremaia raatou ko Lance Wilson Jnr.
Ko Tania Mahuru-Stanley tooku kaiako mai taku timatanga o te kaupapa.
I hunuku whenua maaua ko tooku hoarangatira 'Timega Nahu-Roberts' ki Meanjin (Piripane) i te tau 2011, ki te tiaki tamaiti, ko 'Matiu Siaki Tamihana Nahu-Roberts' toona ingoa. Koira te whakaaro tuatahi, ko te karanga hoki i karangahia ia maaua ki Te Paapaka-aa-Maaui.
Teenaa koutou,
Ko Malachi Cameron tooku ingoa...
I am from the East Coast of New Zealand, however, I grew up most of my life in Wellington.
I have resided in Brisbane for a many years now, married to my beautiful wife Chloe Cameron.
I began my mau raakau journey in 2012 and i can assure you, nothing has been short of amazing. I have discovered so much about myself as a person, attained new skills and above all else, I have created lifetime friendships.
One thing i love about Te Manawa Ora is the family orientated feel that we have created over the past many years of our journey.
Mau raakau is a vehicle for our people to learn and grow together in
Te Ao Maaori. No matter where you are in the world
2022 was my year to attain the Pouwaru level TAURA POUWHAKARAE.
Maaori Proverb
He aha te mea nui o teenei ao? Maaku e kii atu!
He taangata, he taangata, he taangata...
What is the most important thing in this world? I say to you!
It is people, it is people, it is people...